And so . . . to chestnuts
A friend, Stephanie, has alerted me to a source of fairly local (near Canberra) chestnuts, and will roast some at afternoon tea this Saturday. They’re ordered on the Net from Tweenhills Chestnuts:….au Fresh chestnuts are available direct from the farm duringApril and May. Their website says: ‘John and Heather Kane established Tweenhills Chestnuts in 1997. The orchard comprises 1,700 grafted... Read More
Bees and food security
If you’re interested in bees and food security check this out:… Solutions are here:… Read More
Cool windows in summer, warm windows in winter
This question popped up in my mailbox this week: Dear Mr Mobbs, I heard your interview on ABC702 this week and you mentioned a glazing film which can be applied to glass to make it more insulated. Can you please tell me what product it is? So far, I have found a film made by Enerlogic and distributed in Australia by MEP films which claims to reduced heat loss through the glass by 90%. Unfortunately, this film has a slight golden tint to it which... Read More
Simple compost solution, and a paw paw tree goes North
Chippo paw paw replanted north side of Harbour Bridge Two things from today’s road gardening; a paw paw tree goes north; and a new simple way to compost was swapped. For this Friday’s gardening, Janet and friends came across the Harbour Bridge to join us. Lots of ‘We do this . . “, and “How do you find this goes . . “, as we swapped stories of what works and doesn’t. Together we planted: chives, vietnamese... Read More
Upon, ‘being there”
Bronte sunrise, May 2012 Warning: this photo has little to do with this post There’s a competition underway which ends this Thursday where people may vote for ‘the top 50 sustainability building leaders’. It’s here:… Some questions and answers come to mind. Q. Why is the competition being held? Answer: Follow the money. Q. Will a ticker tape parade be held for the winner? Answer: If so, will the ticker tape be... Read More