Are we responsible for our own excreta?

If we choose to be a citizen, to accept responsibility for our own needs, where we can meet them, what is the boundary between the duty we have to manage our own excreta and the duties of the state?   Some mo re questions and an answer in my latest Bathurst Burr column, here. Lots more questions and answers in my books, Sustainable House and Sustainable Food. Enjoy, M  Read More

Beach plastic is breathed in by fish who then die

Imagine the plastic we see beside the roads, rail lines, footpaths . . . then imagine it floating on and below the sea to be breathed in by fish, whales, jelly fish, crabs, whales, little critters there . . . in pieces as small as the tip of a pen or pin, getting in the lungs and then killing oceans of fish.   These folk do – Responsible Runners – and every day they prevent some of it getting into the ocean – Responsible Runners.   This is an extract... Read More

ABC Radio – turning food waste into farm soil

ABC Radio 702 Linda Mottram spoke to Mayor Sally Betts of Waverley council and I today about a ‘game-changer’ project at Bondi to turn food waste into farm soil. The 17 minute interview and background is  here: May the food waste, the soil and the hope this project offers bring a smile to your face,   M  Read More

What sewage system for me?

Rory has contacted me asking what sewage system he should buy.  Here’s Rory’s question:   “Hello Michael, I recently bought your book (which is brilliant) as I am in the process of planning a new house to be built on Bruny Island in Tassie, and I knew that I would learn a lot from your practical experiences in dealing with collecting water and dealing with waste onsite. I have long been a regular visitor to your website and blog, too. I have an acre of... Read More

Fly food to feed fish and sustain fish populations

Some friends have drawn my attention to Jason Drew, who has been in Australia recently. Jason is based in South Africa’s Cape Town.  He sets up ‘green businesses’ to sustain natural resources, such as fisheries. One of his new businesses is fly farming, turning waste into larvae, and a protein-rich, natural animal feed. To get his ideas Drew reads and travels.  He believes that the world is running out of food.  He says, “Every day, 25,000 people die from starvation,... Read More

App for recycling building ‘waste’

Builders, designers and others looking to use or to recycle building waste now can  use a phone app to do so. Called BuildBITS, once a user downloads it they may take a photo of the surplus products, enter a short description and price – and the product appears for sale in the BuildBITS online marketplace. There are no commissions or fees for sellers and buyers. It can be cheaper for a builder to list, say, waste bricks on BuildBITS for free and give them away rather than spend... Read More

Frankston Council shows leadership with rate rebate for composting

Frankston Council, Victoria, has a run-away success with it’s rate rebate for composting program, Halve Garbage.   The designer of the program, Alison Winn, says: “I originally designed the ‘Halve Garbage Waste’ program and secured a $100 000 grant to roll out a smaller garbage bin service to residents.  Residents who signed up received either a compost bin or a worm farm and a $20 rate reduction.  I think the smaller bin was a 60L bin.  The program incorporated... Read More

Sewage and more sewage

Several questions have come in about sewage. I like that.  We all excrete and the more of us who think about what to do with it the better, I hope, for our Earth’s water, soil and energy. Here’s one: “Hello Michael , A  very good book ………. a lot of information and I will try to do what you have done Yesterday  I  went  to  a home show …. they had a sewerage treatment system but it was only good enough for watering the garden. He... Read More

What kind of sewage system?

Comes this question from yesterday’s tour: HI Michael Thanks for the tour yesterday, was great to see your systems in action! I have a quick question about the sewerage which I forgot to ask: What do you think about composting toilets v. your system for an innner city context such as yours? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks Cheers Sarah   My answer: Great question; thank you. A composting toilet was not an option on my small inner city terrace site because: it... Read More

Fun vid: some Chippo gardeners make a pallet into a vertical garden in an hour for Toby’s cafe

Lovely fun vid of some of our gardeners here: enjoy:… Sustainable Communities Plan… Michael Mobbs has a plan to create sustainable suburbs, and he is coming together with Chippendale residents and City of Sydney to make this ha  Read More

  • Michael Mobbs

    Michael is a former Environmental Lawyer who is uniquely placed to consult in four main areas:

    • Sustainability Coach and Speaker,
    • Sustainable Urban Farm Design greening, watering and cooling the cityscape, roads, parks, suburbs,
    • Major Projects Consultant Commercial and Industrial,
    • Residential Sustainability Consultant.
    For permission to re-print any articles or to book Michael for a speaking engagement go to Contacts. Please ensure all quotes from Michael's blog include a reference to