Interesting questions?
Last week I wanted to serve scallops at a meal I was cooking. When my friend went to buy some for me at the place which typically has the freshest and cheapest seafood, she asked, “Where do they came from? The answer, “Chile”. So there were no scallops on the table that meal. This exchange brought these questions to my mind: When citizen-funded meals are served when: - COAG meets – the group of federal and state Prime Minister and Ministers, public servants... Read More
New Chippo group supports Sustainable Streets Plan
A new group has been set up to support the City Council’s Sustainable Streets and Community Plan. Called, Sustainable Chippendale, the idea for the group and the moving force behind it are Andrew Jacobs and Thais Nascimento. They’ve set up a Facebook page and say this is how to find and join the group or obtain information there: - The link is:… , but if you go on Facebook and just look up for SUSTAINABLE CHIPPENDALE , you will see us and... Read More
Food is the second biggest greenhouse polluter after power stations
This quote from the NSW EPA helps to explain why we’re growing food where we live and work in Chippendale: ‘In Australia, the food supply chain is responsible for approximately 23 per cent of Australia’s total greenhouse gas emissions, making it the second-highest emissions generating activity after power stations. This includes direct emissions from agriculture, and those attributed to energy, transport, food production, processing and distribution.” NSW EPA….au/love-food/environmental-impacts.aspx Read More
Sydney Council’s ‘Ethical food policy”
Sydney City Council has created guidelines for buying food for Council purposes. The Guide says: “The City of Sydney recognises the importance of healthy, safe and sustainable food to the general health and wellbeing of our community and our environment. In line with Sustainable Sydney 2030, the City of Sydney intends to lead by example in promoting and providing sustainable, healthy and cruelty-free food choices to our employees, residents and external visitors. By choosing... Read More
Chippo Garden & Compost Workshop Wed 23 March
On Wednesday 23 March – next week – Sydney City Council will hold a workshop about composting and gardening in Chippendale. Commencing at 630 and finishing at 8 pm at the Pine Street Creative Arts Centre, the workshop will enable each participant to express their ideas and opinions and to offer criticisms and to ask questions. The information from the workshop will be used to develop the Sustainable Streets and Communities Plan being prepared for Chippendale by the... Read More
Workshops for Sustainable Streets & Communities Plan
Sustainable Chippo Public Meetings Info On Wednesday 16 March at 630 to 8 pm Sydney City Council will hold a public meeting to provide information and hear feedback on the Sustainable Streets and Communities Plan that’s being prepared. Information is in the flier from the Council which you may download above; it’s about 1 MB – if you’re a ChippoIte then do try to get there, ask questions, offer ideas and help us work together to sustain where we live and... Read More
Paw Paws harvested from Myrtle Street this week
Paw Paw tree with fruit ready for harvesting Using a long, extendable pruner this week we harvested about a dozen green paw paws from the tree on the corner of Myrtle and Pine. Five households have them and three of us have made green paw paw salad (I used the recipe in Stephanie Alexander’s ‘bible’). With nuts, lime juice, chilli, fish sauce, and more it’s a beaut recipe. Light, easy and quick to make and fine to the taste. We’ve got another... Read More
New painted compost bin – tra la!
New painted compost bin Some frogs are on top of the leaves, some under them - look closely . . . A local artist who doesn’t wish to be named has donated paints and materials and her skills to paint a new Aerobin donated by the manufacturer. Read More
Mayor Moore’s letter about making Chippendale sustainable
Final Letter On January 2011 Mayor Clover Moore MP wrote to let us know in Chippendale about the plan to make the suburb sustainable. The Mayor’s letter is in this blog, above. May the sustainable streets be with us, Michael Read More
Some native stingless bee tips
Here are some tips for those wishing to keep native stingless bees. Most of what follows is directly from an email sent to me by a proud new native bee owner, Lynda and I’m grateful for Lynda agreeing to publish this information. What to wear when splitting the hive: Don’t wear dark colours as they tend to attract an agressive response from the bees when splitting. Native stingless bees are NOT the commercial, introduced ones which do sting: Australia has over... Read More