Bee research in Sydney to be published – free public talk
The two year research project into what native bees eat in Sydney’s community gardens is to be published. Hear it from the researcher, Tanya Latty; here’s where and when: Hello Everyone, First off, I’d like to thank you all for allowing us to conduct research in your community garden. The data we have collected over the last two summer has been invaluable.... Read More
Off the grid electricity data for Sydney’s Sustainable House
Consumption-production graphs Since 31 March 2015 when the new battery and new solar panels were installed on my house we’ve been collecting data on the Tigo solar panels and Alpha Ess integrated battery and inverter systems. The data is essential to reviewing the promises about the products’ performance and the best design to stay off grid. Unfortunately, due to the... Read More
What would Mandela say?
My chook, Pesky, looking for a star to steer by Stars to steer by; we need them, whether we know we’re using them or not. A pilot needs a harbour light, a navigator a star or compass bearing, a car driver a traffic light or roadside edge. But inside the mind as we choose how to steer, what happens there? How do we ‘see’ the star, what thoughts do... Read More
Life while you wait
Nobel laureate Wislawa Szymborska (July 2, 1923–February 1, 2012) “When Szymborska was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1996 “for poetry that with ironic precision allows the historical and biological context to come to light in fragments of human reality,” the Nobel commission rightly called her “the Mozart of poetry” — but, wary of robbing her poetry... Read More
64 sun lovers bulk buying solar
We have 64 people who have completed the survey to qualify for the opportunity to reduce individual costs of buying any one or more or all of solar PV panels, inverters and batteries. Here is the email I’ve sent to the folk to inform them where we’re up to with getting reduced prices: Hello again, sun lovers There are 64 of us now in our bulk purchase... Read More
Meet R2Me2, my off the grid battery and inverter
R2Me2, my off the grid battery and inverter on my verandah At the tour of Sydney’s Sustainable House on Saturday 27 June we’ll look at the new off the grid battery on my verandah, called R2Me2. There’ll be a confession or two by said gizmo as to misdoings, bad conduct(ing) and circuits unknown. What a bzzzzzzzzz . . . Read More
What solar panels should I buy?
“What solar panels should I buy?” I’m asked this at least a couple of times a week. It’s time to share the answer. My answer is in three parts. Part One: You’re not buying the panels, you’re buying the power. What’s promised by the panel seller or installer or maker may not be what you get. Sure, you’ll get... Read More
A good day for the chooks
Pesky in the background, Feisty in the foreground. Confined to the far end of the chook run outside the kitchen, they were sceptical about the workmanship (who was this guy with power tools for chooks’ sake?), and the design for our new house? Pesky and Feisty got a new chookhouse today. The Chippendale Hilton. Mick, the Chippendale handyman, worked wonders... Read More
Bronte today
Bronte pool, a calm sea in a calm sky To Bronte this morn, there to throw myself into the pool. Twenty degrees in. Who could ask for more? And that was that. Joy in the moment of diving in, thoughts banished, flesh enlivened. M Read More
Please qualify for reduced price solar / battery power with my survey
Hi. We had a terrific information night at Sydney’s Sustainable House on Monday about making solar power cheaper. As promised, the survey for anyone to qualify to join the group bulk buying to bring down the price of solar and batteries has been published. THE SURVEY – If you’re interested in filling in the survey, click to fill it in here. If you return... Read More