Denial denied

“You don’t have to deny yourself to find yourself’, my friend L said. We’d got to this earth-shattering point after some time at a table of nourishments provided by the local, the Duck Hotel. Outside the night was cool, the rain giving a background dusting off to the night air – you know, one of those Sydney nights when you can live forever. (Got to love this city.) Inside all was hubbub, laughter and pleasure in good... Read More

What is joy?

Joy is swimming in the early dark, Looking up at the winter stars as I turn my head to breathe in, Feeling the simple animal pleasure of my body growing stronger as I flow through the water, That moment deliciously alone, a sentient thing, Then, after, going home, the cool air on my cheeks, the grass as I walk on it watery, too, and endless in the early mists as forever, That’s joy.  Read More

Smaller Aussie bees pollinate more than introduced bees

A friend, Maryanne, has let me know that Aussie native bees are more effective at pollinating than the feral introduced bees used mostly for the commercial honey market, and says:   ‘… The main thing they mention is the smaller size (Presumably can get inside smaller spaces). Some native species , though not the one you have, can also do a different type of pollination called buzz pollination in which they release... Read More

Cool streets to cool cities on ABC TV 730 WA

  On Friday 20 on ABC TV 730WA  Fremantle Mayor Brad Pettit, Michael Mobbs and Shani of Hulbert St – where I stayed in The Painted Fish – show how cool streets cool cities:… Citizens; let’s cool our cities by 1 degree by 2020 and take power stations off line; we can do this. M  Read More

Being human is messy

Bowl, Lombok Villa Talking to my friend, Lesley, tonight at the bar at the end of a blank, empty lane where the door, when opened, beckons one inside to Freda’s, a bar on Regent Street with music, old timbers, raw old bricks and freshly opened oysters, and beans that’ve been kind of curdled, and much more, she said, “Being human is messy”. I agreed. Lesley meant ‘messy’, I think, as in ‘ungovernable’... Read More

  • Michael Mobbs

    Michael is a former Environmental Lawyer who is uniquely placed to consult in four main areas:

    • Sustainability Coach and Speaker,
    • Sustainable Urban Farm Design greening, watering and cooling the cityscape, roads, parks, suburbs,
    • Major Projects Consultant Commercial and Industrial,
    • Residential Sustainability Consultant.
    For permission to re-print any articles or to book Michael for a speaking engagement go to Contacts. Please ensure all quotes from Michael's blog include a reference to