We’re taking carbon pollution out of Earth’s air this year

  The drone being used to film installation of the composter   Today was a good day. Waverley Council, wecompost and farmer John Fairley of Country Valley Dairy, along with Bondi businesses are working together to cut food waste, cut business costs and to grow soil on a farm.  wecompost is a joint project involving myself, Jess Miller and Closed Loop. Our project to take... Read More

ABC Radio – turning food waste into farm soil

ABC Radio 702 Linda Mottram spoke to Mayor Sally Betts of Waverley council and I today about a ‘game-changer’ project at Bondi to turn food waste into farm soil. The 17 minute interview and background is  here: May the food waste, the soil and the hope this project offers bring a smile to your face,   M  Read More

Getting existing carbon out of Earth’s air this November

Getting existing carbon out of Earth’s atmosphere this November – simply, cheaply – gives hope, increases profits. An inspiring project at Bondi Beach will take existing poluting carbon out of Earth’s atmosphere. Food waste will be turned into compost to grow soil on a farm. The why, the hope and the trust that the project embodies is in this article I’ve... Read More

What sewage system for me?

Rory has contacted me asking what sewage system he should buy.  Here’s Rory’s question:   “Hello Michael, I recently bought your book (which is brilliant) as I am in the process of planning a new house to be built on Bruny Island in Tassie, and I knew that I would learn a lot from your practical experiences in dealing with collecting water and dealing with... Read More

Chippendale honey harvest

Honey harvested yesterday, 16 Oct 13, from my Chippendale native stingless bee hive Myself and a friend, Tony, anticipating the harvest     Tim and I looking at the honey-full top box of the hive Yesterday we harvested honey from my native stingless bee hive and it’s in the photo above. The Australian expert on native stingless bees, Tim Heard, harvested the honey... Read More

Native bee attracting plants

Guest Post by Maree McCarthy   NO. 1 RULE: KEEP THEIR ENVIRONMENT POISON-FREE! (Remember – they are insects!) NO. 2 RULE: PRESERVE BUSHLAND (Biodiversity is the key!) Allowing hoofed animals access, and removing dead wood and trees will soon wipe them out.   Here is a list of plants to feed and attract native bees. • Austromyrtus dulcis (Midyim Berry) 30cm x 1m. Shade... Read More

Native Bees, Wildlife and Native Plants . . . so what’s in it for me?

  Teddy Bear Bee Guest Post:      Maree Mc Carthy –  … supporting earth to sing her songs!   In an island continent such as Australia, with soils and organisms evolved distinctly separate from Europe, its great to watch the local ecosystems and see how we can ‘fit in’ and call this place ‘home’. The wonderful part is that native plants, insects and... Read More

Two beautiful statues bring silence to the moment

Charioteer from Motya, Sicily These are to my eyes two of the most beautiful statues. Dancing satyr of Mazara del Vallo The stone one, The charioteer from Motya, Sicily, is probably of a slave or servant as the free or noble folk typically rode their chariots while naked; the sensuous human form evoked below the sculpted cloth is breathtaking for me. The bronze – Dancing... Read More

Plastic in fish, birds, air, water and . . . us

Sampling the ocean for plastic – photo by Tim Silverwood After seeing some sea water sampled from the middle of Earth’s oceans by Tim Silverwood I asked Tim to let me have some notes for my blog and here they are.  I was sickened at the thought of fish, birds and ourselves getting plastic in our lungs, blood, organs and much of what we depend upon to live. Until I spoke... Read More

Honey harvest at my place coming up

  Anticipation builds here and among those who have bee hives made from the hive that came here four years ago.   In a few weeks we’ll harvest the honey from my hive.  Tim Heard, the designer of the hive, is coming from Brisbane to show me and some other hive owners how to harvest the honey.   I’ll have photos, a video and a ‘how to do it’... Read More

  • Michael Mobbs

    Michael is a former Environmental Lawyer who is uniquely placed to consult in four main areas:

    • Sustainability Coach and Speaker,
    • Sustainable Urban Farm Design greening, watering and cooling the cityscape, roads, parks, suburbs,
    • Major Projects Consultant Commercial and Industrial,
    • Residential Sustainability Consultant.
    For permission to re-print any articles or to book Michael for a speaking engagement go to Contacts. Please ensure all quotes from Michael's blog include a reference to sustainablehouse.com....au.