Special tours Sydney’s Sustainable House – Saturday 19 September 2015
Tour Fact Sheet – Sydney’s Sustainable House and Chippendale Road Gardens
Special tours

Solar panels – for more photos of the house by Lottie visit her blog: http://aplaceaday.blogspot.com.au/2010/12/sustainable-house.html?showComment=1355121254803
House tours:
No bookings but places limited so you must email to confirm you will do the tour, please. NOTE: we start right on 1130 and finish right on 1230.
In one hour we: see and discuss the design and systems for: water, energy, recycled water, materials, mistakes, data, costs.
Let’s work on your project – if you’ld like to discuss your project on the tour and get design, product and costing suggestions then let us know by email in advance what your needs are and we’ll give you our best. If you’ld like to get your hands on the bits and pieces of the water, recycled water and other systems – email us in advance and we’ll work that into your tour.
Urban farm working tours:
Bookings essential: next Urban Farm Working Tour is DATE TO BE ADVISED. Start 1130 am – finish 100. $15 tour fee.
To book email: tours@sustainablehouse.com.au
In the garden I will work with you and together for an hour and a half we will:
- build a leaky drain – you’ll learn how to dig, install leaky drain
- learn how to prune a fruit tree – how to espalier to make it fit a smaller space
- learn how to manage compost bins – how to keep cockroaches away, how to get compost out and then to spread it without harming fruit trees
- learn how to make a garden self-nutrifying using a compost bin
- learn how to identify and harvest your own food – from ‘weeds’ that aren’t weeds to unusual edible native plants and to commonly used herbs such as rosemary, lemon grass and more
Working urban farm tours are $15 each and entitle you to $10 off the price of either or both my books, Sustainable House, or Sustainable Food.
Maximum of 15 people on this tour – we’ll be working with tools and our hands; email bookings essential, please.
Group bookings 10 or more people to maximum of 15 people are $10 each.
You can buy a book on the web if you wish, here:
Cameras welcome.
See you there, at the little house that could . . . and yours can, too . . .
OH: you may wish to see the Plan to make a suburb sustainable that I made for Sydney Council; visit here and see it and stay in touch as the Council goes through the steps to make the Plan a binding policy:
Signed copies
Other orders
Michael Mobbs’ Sustainable Neighbourhood Masterclass
If you want to learn how to transform your neighbourhood, Michael is holding a special masterclass at Sydney’s Sustainable House in Chippendale on – A DATE TO BE ADVISED – In the meantime, there are special tours of the house . . . see below . . .
Yes, room for one more, the more the merrier
Hi Michael,
My daughter, Maree, & I are booked in for your house tour this Saturday 15th. Wondering if you could accommodate one more? My partner, Brian, would like to come along too if there’s room.
Hiya Michael,
I unfortunately cant make the tour in July but will be the first to lock in a August date which is perfect !
Hear from you soon .
Delia: send me an email to: michael@sustainablehouse.com.au and I’ll give you some info there if that’s ok? Michael
Hey Michael
I am planning a unit of work for 10 year olds on sustainability and especially looking at waste management. Somehow I came across your site! I am just wondering if you have set up a virtual tour of your house- that I could/access – take our class through. We have no hope of visiting as we are located interstate. However, I thought a look at a sustainable house will help the kids with understanding the concept of sustainability.
kind regards
Hi Michael
Was great to meet you on the weekend – thanks for showing us through your house, and the fresh eggs!
Just wanted to ask you where you bought your LED lights from? They seemed like a great replacement for halogen bulbs and fluorescent tubes.
Best regards
Hi Michael,
Thank you for the very informative tour today. I want to check in with you if you have any info about microbats?
Hello Michael,
I have only just seen the advertisement for your book of The Sustainable House, and I was immediately drawn to the picture of the louvre windows and would like to know where you got those from (if it isn’t a trade secret). I have been trawling most window suppliers up and down the country and have not found anything yet that I like the look of. I want to enclose our front porch using the louvre windows to allow breeze in summer but not the gales of winter – we are on the outskirts of Canberra facing the Brindabella mountain range and the winds of winter here are just cripplingly cold. Having louvres will also mean an airlock so visitors aren’t waiting outside in the cold or heat and also we won’t lose much heat through the front door in the winter (which can be very long here).
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll go and buy your book, while you are replying to my email…!
best wishes for success, and a great Christmas,
Hi Michael,
I have your book “Sustainable House” and I am very impressed and inspired to follow your advice when I come to build my next house.
Thanks once again for a book that should be in every Australian household.
Warm Regards,
Warren Clendenning
Eric, sorry to miss your contact and to miss you on the tour today. If you wish to you’re very welcome to come to the next house tour on 11 May. In any event, great to have your interest and I hope to see you both here one day, Michael
Hi Michael,
I’m reading and learning a lot from your book ‘Sustainable House’, its inspired me to make one on my farm in India. My wife and I would like to make it for the house tour on the 27th. Please do let me know. Thanks!! Eric
Lindsay – great; you’re booked in; looking forward to meeting and gardening with you, Michael
i would like to book in for the urban farm working tour on saturday 9th feb please.
Hugh. Thank you for making contact and for your feedback; I’m very grateful for your words – thank you. Yes, I’d love to do a special tour for you and your colleagues. Cost is $15 each, and it takes an hour to see the energy, water, recycled water and gardening systems. Let me know when you’ld like to come and we can book it in, Warm regards, Michael
Dear Michael
Your work is very inspiring.
I am a landscape designer with a small design and construction company. If I got together a group of people wanting to do a tour, would you consider organising a tour on a Friday afternoon?