Units swap room for ‘stuff’
Units swap room - swap shelf Swap room with stuff for the taking A block of units I’m working with to ‘go sustainable’ has a ‘swap room’ where residents put their ‘stuff” for others to take if they want it. Things not taken after a while are then sent to waste. Next step is to work out how to stop stuff going to the mine near Goulburn where Sydney’s waste gets tipped down the shaft. Good idea. There’s... Read More
Using underground water
A reader has sent me this question: ‘Dear Michael I may have a spring (h2o) or some form of h2o course running through my front yard under the middle of my house & than exiting from the northern corner of the rear of the house. This has been confirmed by a builder who has taken the ‘levels’ to level the house where the house has ‘sank’ in these areas. The house is a 1950′s weatherboard constructed on piers whereby due to the land sloping... Read More
Waverley Council’s free movie and talk
On Friday 11 November from 630 to 8 pm at Waverley Library, Denison St, Bondi Junction, the Council will provide a free screening of the 28 minute doco, Waste not, and I’ll be talking about sustainable design and food. Details in the Council’s flier which you can download here: Library Recycling Week A5 flyer OCT11 page 1 Press See you there, Michael Read More
Chinese delegation investigates Chippendale’s Sustainable Streets Plan
On 25 October a delegation of 21 government and industry representatives visited Chippendale to discuss the Sustainable Streets and Community Plan (Chippendale). The delegation from Hangzhou in coastal China included representative from the city’s Construction Committee, Training Centre, Illegal Construction Inspection Office, Centre of Demolition and Relocation Housing Construction, Real Estate Management Bureau, Public Utilities Supervision Centre, Urban Planning Bureau,... Read More
Ride on bike lunch – stall at Everleigh Markets
Alexandra and Joanne from Youth Food Movement - + their stall at Everleigh Markets The Youth Food folk had their stall at Everleigh Markets last Saturday. Visit them any Saturday between now and 15 October to find out about their ride plan – it’s to promote local, healthy food and will start at the markets, include a tour of Sydney’s Sustainable House and the road gardens of Chippendale. Check it out here, too: www.yfmsydney.wordpress.com… I’ll... Read More
Getting paid for solar credit
Today I phoned my electricity supplier, Origin, and asked them to pay me the credit due for the clean energy I’ve been selling them. “Sure thing,” the Origin rep said on the phone, “Would you like that by cheque?” “Yes”, I said. “You should receive that in ten days. Will there be anything else?”, she said. So. How about that? When I put the system in in October 1996, some 15 years ago,... Read More
Wool miles to be cut
I’ve just received this email from a passionate knitter, Kristine, seeking support for a campaign to reduce wool miles (what next?): Hi Michael, This is something I was hoping you might share with your various email connections. A friend of mine in Victoria has spearheaded the TON OF WOOL project: wool.pozible.com… Kylie is passionate about minimising the “air miles” of the wool we knit with. This project is her way of actually doing something about it. From... Read More
Book talk, Hurstville Library, Thursday 22 September
At 7 pm, Thursday 22 September, I’ll be talking about what worked and didn’t at my sustainable house over the last 15 years. How has the house kept over 1.5 m litres of sewage on site? How have the solar panels worked over these years? How can four people live in an ordinary house for energy and water bills for less than $300 a year? Bring your questions, doubts, curiousity and project ideas to the evening and come and discuss my book, Sustainable House, which has... Read More
Book talk, Gleebooks, Dulwich Hill Saturday 17 September
At 3 pm, Saturday 17 September I’ll be talking about my sustainable house in Chippendale at Gleebooks, Dulwich Hill. Hear what worked and didn’t over the last 15 years. How has the house kept over 1.5 million litres of sewage on site? How are the solar panels going? How can four people live in the house for energy and water bills less than $300 a year? Booking details: Venue: 536 Marrickville Rd Dulwich Hill NSW 2203 Cost: $20 gleeclub free Book: gleebooks –... Read More
New York plans for 3 degree heat rise by 2020
In The Daily Beast: “New York, which is looking at an average temperature increase of up to 3 degrees Fahrenheit by 2020, is planning to paint 3 million square feet of roofs white, to reflect sunlight and thus reduce urban heat-island effects.” See the full article here: www.thedailybeast.com… Change we can believe in, M Read More