Gardening in road gardens

Hi, there, Gardeners We’ll be gardening this Friday from 9 to 12 noon and some things we’ll do include: Auger and aerate the compost bins Remove any compost and distribute on gardens Put up some contact point signs on the bins Transplant a fruit tree that’s not getting enough (six hours) sun Put some ‘Pestoil’ that we’ll make ourselves on some fruit trees with bugs Talk to Michael Neville, Council’s Waste Officer, about the compost bins in Peace Park... Read More

Food scarcity in Australia soon

The ABC has initiated a terrific documentary on food production in Australia and worldwide and the first installment, Selling the farm, is here:… Some data in the program comes from Julian Cribb in a new book to be published this week, The Coming Famine, by University of California Press and the CSIRO. As far as my research shows the only government exploring Australia’s food growing capacity is Victoria’s.  It’s not on the agenda of the main... Read More

Can we eat food grown on roadside gardens

When folks ask me to design a road garden a common question is, can we safely eat the food we grow there? It’s a lot safer than stuff from overseas that’s been treated to kill foreign pests and insectides – none of those treatments have been applied to your own food you grow – you grow it and know what’s been done to it. But what about car fumes, air pollution and the soil in the road gardens? Here’s some advice from one of Australia’s leading soil scientists: “During... Read More

  • Michael Mobbs

    Michael is a former Environmental Lawyer who is uniquely placed to consult in four main areas:

    • Sustainability Coach and Speaker,
    • Sustainable Urban Farm Design greening, watering and cooling the cityscape, roads, parks, suburbs,
    • Major Projects Consultant Commercial and Industrial,
    • Residential Sustainability Consultant.
    For permission to re-print any articles or to book Michael for a speaking engagement go to Contacts. Please ensure all quotes from Michael's blog include a reference to