Sydney study into native bee health

Leafcutter bee

Leafcutter bee

A research project is underway in Sydney, led by Tanya Latty, into the health of native bees.

In their new facebook page

Tanya Latty says:.
The goal of the Urban Bees project is to study the ecology of native bees in community gardens within greater Sydney metropolitan area.
Specifically, we will address four main questions:
1) Which species of native bee are present in community gardens and in what numbers?
2) Which plant species/flowers are attractive to bees?
3) Which garden characteristics influence bee diversity and abundance?
4) Are community gardens a ‘habitat island’ for native bees, and how does bee abundance and diversity compare to other urban green spaces such as parks?…


Go the bees and thanks to Tanya and your fellow researchers,


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  • Michael Mobbs

    Michael is a former Environmental Lawyer who is uniquely placed to consult in four main areas:

    • Sustainability Coach and Speaker,
    • Sustainable Urban Farm Design greening, watering and cooling the cityscape, roads, parks, suburbs,
    • Major Projects Consultant Commercial and Industrial,
    • Residential Sustainability Consultant.
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