Biolytix into liquidation
Posted by Michael on Wednesday, January 26, 2011 · 30 Comments
I’ve received an email from a contact in the wastewater industry with this advisory note from WA Health about Biolytix going into liquidation:
Approval for Biolytix aerobic treatment units withdrawn by Department of Health, Western Australia
As of 19 January 2011, Queensland-based company Biolytix Water Australia Pty Ltd has gone into liquidation. In Western Australia, the ‘Biolytix BF-6 Aerated’ model was an aerobic treatment unit (ATU) approved by the Department of Health for single dwelling units (residential). The approval for this ATU has now been withdrawn, and is no longer listed as an approved product on the Public Health Division website.
Biolytix Water Australia Pty Ltd is now controlled by chartered accountants Lawler Partners, who have put some information (FAQ) up on the Lawler Partners website to assist any affected customers, including what to do if urgent servicing is required. An Owner’s Manual and a Service Manual is available at this website.
For anyone seeking further information, direct your enquiries to, or contact the Department of Health’s Water Unit on 9388 4999.’
In the second edition of my book, Sustainable House, there is some discussion of this technology.
Could anyone help me out I need someone that may service the Biolytix system in Western Sydney. Does anyone know of a contact name & number.
Our system was installed 6 years ago. It is gravity fed and emptied; no pumps. The council have only just asked for an inspection. I took the lid off and was very surprised that there was no smell at all and only some toilet paper visible. Solids were not apparent. As far as I am concerned it is a great system especially if it relies on gravity alone and I would have thought councils and environmentalists would be in full support.
Biolytix ..mmmmmm. We are stuck with it for now, but if problems arise for your system in WA, give Nigel Brooker ( BMS pumps ) a call. We had 1 issue early this year (electrical), then another today. Saw his phone no. on this forum, rang him, sorted straight away. Advise was great. Email;
I specialise in waste water treatment and effluent disposal for domestic and commercial operations.
If you have any questions or concerns about your existing system, or one that you are thinking of installing, please feel free to contact me through my website at
I have found a way to help with these biolytix systems,
If anyone is currently living in W.A and needs helps which is everyone in W.A with a biolytix system please give me a call on 0410806958
or email me on
lyn dalrymple says:
8 Jun 2013 at 10:21
hi i’m on perth and was told my system was failing. A rebuild ( $5000 ) wasn’t recomended because it was only two years old and i was told i would need a new system costing around $15000. The service provider wanted to put a hole in my system which would have left me no choice but to install a new system. I didn’t let him and after many phone calls i finally found someone willing to look at my system. Nigel Brooker from Brooker Maintenance Systems in gosnells come over within the hour and had a look at my existing biolytix system, something that no one else would do. He was easy to talk to and quickly came up with a solution that did not require a rebuild or new system. Utilizing my existing biolytix he added a more traditional system and added thicker more practical irrigation hoses. We’ve had a few little hicups but Nigel has alway been quick to respond and all were easily fixed. It cost a fraction of a new system and a lot less than a rebuild. So far we have had no further problems and i would recommend Nigel to anyone who is having problems with their biolytix. If your interested here are his contact details; Brooker Maintenance Systems 12 Station st Gosnells,mob: 0410806958, email:
I don’t think the biolytix system is sustainable. An old fashioned septic, gravity fed is much better. No pump to consume power and only needs pumping out every few years. Yes, worms are nice but they are better in the soil. Anaerobic bacteria and fungi are just as effective at degrading organic material. No treatment is required yearly to remove biofilm from the drip lines. I believe the biolytix is a wonderful marketing exercise into which I was sucked in.
Full of shit!
Have had our system in QLD for over 5 years without any problems – the only issue we have had is the service provider not switching the system back on after a service so it overfilled killing the worms. What are people flushing down their drains to cause it to fail? Its not a septic tank! As we have a stand alone solar system I have put a non return valve after the pump as with the pipes being above the tank, in the wet season the water gravity feeds back into the tank causing the pump to run constantly, which is why some pumps may be failing prematurely? Very happy with system, low power use, no smell, maybe they work better in tropical conditions? Pity they went belly up.
System failed ofter 6. Worms were drowned after system flooded due to pump failure with no alarm activation. cost $2000 to repair only to have it fail yet again. Plumer will now not return my calls and wants no further involvement with Biolytix. I will now try to convert this system into a gravity discharge. Not looking forward to pulling it apart!!! Do not buy this system unless you are a risk taker and have money to through down the “toilet”
hi i’m on perth and was told my system was failing. A rebuild ( $5000 ) wasn’t recomended because it was only two years old and i was told i would need a new system costing around $15000. The service provider wanted to put a hole in my system which would have left me no choice but to install a new system. I didn’t let him and after many phone calls i finally found someone willing to look at my system. Nigel Brooker from Brooker Maintenance Systems in gosnells come over within the hour and had a look at my existing biolytix system, something that no one else would do. He was easy to talk to and quickly came up with a solution that did not require a rebuild or new system. Utilizing my existing biolytix he added a more traditional system and added thicker more practical irrigation hoses. We’ve had a few little hicups but Nigel has alway been quick to respond and all were easily fixed. It cost a fraction of a new system and a lot less than a rebuild. So far we have had no further problems and i would recommend Nigel to anyone who is having problems with their biolytix. If your interested here are his contact details; Brooker Maintenance Systems 12 Station st Gosnells,mob: 0410806958, email:
unfortunately since my last post(and i did touch wood) our alarm went off, the pump could not remove the water from the tank due to fine sludge(castings?), we and our plumber lifted the pump cover and pump and flushed it through, it is now fine, but the sludge has caused the small irrigation pipes to get blocked and we have had to pull them up/replace and flush them, we have also shortened the amount as i believe it was too long. we are now running as a leach drain to clear out the sludge and plan to leave it like that for winter and re connect for summer for the established fruit trees and garden, i think the system needs a diverter for the sludge before going out to the irrigation, some smart gadget??? the yard is a mess but it will recover, we topped up the worm numbers so all is good
the blockage caused the breather to overflow black fine water thats how we saw there was a problem
hi, our biolytics system is just over 3yrs old, and is working fine(touch wood) it is a shame to hear all the negative comments and problems people have had, ours is well elevated and in a very harsh environment, our garden is thriving, we get the best corn crop and broccoli ever! apart from opening the lid to check how it smells, we havent done a thing, sometimes i’ve had a worm in the toilet and just reflushed it and once on the ground out in the garden, but thats it
is there anything else we should do?
What an idiot Dean Cameron must be!! He took peoples deposits and full payments for systems MONTHS in advance of delivery and used it for working capital!! That is why they went bust after only 3 weeks of no sales due to the queensland floods. What did he spend it on? More research and development of another ‘failure’ product?
You can’t run a business that way.
HELP, suggestions, ideas please, I am not sure were to start with this one.
Now I am left with a Biolytix system that has failed & I refuse to pay $5000 to have the (same floored) system re-built. The plumber/installer say that there is a good chance it will fail again. Can any one suggest a way that the existing tank/setup could be adapted in any way to another type of septic system. Could the tank/pump/sub-soil irrigation pipes be adapted to be used with a leech drain conventional septic system?. Also has any one had any luck with making a claim on their house insurance for the failed Biolytix system. I am in Margaret River in Western Australia and would like to hear from any one in WA that has had problems with this company/product.
After extended research and from recommendations from WA health I installed this product just over 3 years ago for a 2 bathroom house with 2 people living in it. It certinly was not the cheapest product on the market but claimed to be the best. The system has totally failed to live up to its claims in any way. it was installed and maintained by a quilified biolytix plumber/installer who has washed his hands of the product. He has told me to stop throwing good money down the biolytix drain, pull it out and start again. After spending nearly 15k I am left with nothing but an expensive pile of shit.
I installed my biolytix just over 3 years ago (on recommendation from the WA Health). There are only two people living at the premises & we are very strict about any products that go into the drains. The system has failed totally with raw sewage running into the garden and NO alarms. The qualified installer/plumber has said in is a very poor (and over priced) system that does not deliver on it calms. He recommended I pull it out and not throw good money after bad. Do not use this system!
Bonnie, thanks for your question. I had to dismantle the Biolytix / Biolytic system at my house as it failed completely. It’s been replaced by a modified aerated system which has worked for the last 12 years and is easy for me to maintain; I just pump out about 500 litres of sludge with a sump pump once a year to my garden. The full story of the failure is in the second edition of my book, Sustainable House, published by NSW Publishing, available in bookshops and here:
Hi Bonnie of Perth WA who services your tank, we have one installed
As a Plumber I have not seen a worse system ever, May work well when it’s working, but when there is a pump fault or the worms drown or parts are required, look out. To me it looks like a septic tank with some bags and a pump in it. As far as I’m concerned the Taylex system is the only way to go, proven and has an excellent after sales service.
A septic tank with sub soil drains would be far better and more economical than this Biolytix trash, hence why they no longer exist, good riddence
We had our Biolytix installed in Tasmania – on recommendation of our council as I was looking for an eco-friendly system – nearly 4 years ago and so far we have had absolutely no problems with it. When we built our new home, I did a lot of research and to this date we are very pleased with our choice. The only down side is perhaps that there are not many plumbers in Tasmania who can service the system; the plumber we used in the passed stopped doing it as he said he couldn’t get parts anymore because the company went broke. I have been directed to another company; I haven’t made any contact yet and I do hope someone will take over the contract. I must agree with Tony Marshall to state this is a first class product and I really don’t see why this product is not more promoted throughout Australia!
As a designer and builder of sustainable homes ( perhaps not in MM’s class) I would like to encourage a company or individual to take up the Biolytix system of waste treatment and make it available to the public. It is in my opinion a first class product and should have an enormous and growing market all around the world. As far as I am able to ascertain there is not one single downside to owning and operating a well designed and installed Biolytix system.
I rate it as 5 stars and is highly recommended. ” Resurrect this system please ! “
woops..forgot to include the link
Hi again everyone
Check out the link below for the current (2012) NSW Health Departments certificate of accreditation for Biolytix.
I also understand Biolytix New Zealand has taken over the bankrupted Biolytix company in Australia
Best wishes
We have had a biolytix in nsw for nearly 5 years and it works fabulously.
I am interested to know why the health dept withdrew its support which is quite different to the company going bankrupt. I am sorry for those left in the lurch.
We didn’t ever sign up to biolytix maintenance contract but get the local plumber – who installed ours – to complete the annual check and paperwork for Council.
Although we had to get the whole of our (regular sized) back yard dug up for the dispersal post tank/worm treatment it is working fabulously and our annual plumber check advises us that our worms are the healthiest they have seen (tho I don’t think they maintain a lot of our systems). Of course, we try to limit bad things we put down the drain and occasionally feed them crushed egg shells which I understand worms need/like.
Yes, dear fellow sufferer, and ’tis me who can suggest some actions. But the day is sweet, the air of Sydney freshly scrubbed clean by rich rain and the clear light of this fair Saturday reaches deep down to mah soul and I’m out into the late afternoon of it. Stay tuned and I’ll tell you a story and, I hope, offer some magic spells. Some of it’s in my book, too, where the truth on this thing is partly outed; go to, enjoy the day, too, and we’ll be in touch in here again, Michael
Can anyone recommend what action to take if there is a problem with an installed Biolytix system? We are in Healesville north east of Melbourne.
We have a Biolytix system here in Perth. Our fruit trees and vegies thrive in the worst heat and our water bills stay low. It works like a charm, I’m sorry that others will not have a chance to own this system.
Hi there, Im wondering WHY the approval from the health department was withdrawn? Is it because the product doesn’t do what it is touted to do, or simply because the company went into liquidation? I was really sold on this system, and I still think its the best I have looked at…any information would be greatly appreciated.
need to know whether the NZ company has bought the Australian one – have a system ready to install but can’t as it is no longer NSW Health approved – help as it is already pain for and with the plumber!
Chris Hammer. Are you hammering the product – I hope not. Dean Cameron is responsible for inventing the most Globally desired product for the whole world. The worms and design of his product mean that there is not a smell or particles left from our crap which enters the underground tank. And the big bonus is we can use the remaining water which has been filtered to the highest degree for our garden and for those of us who want to grow our own vegetables I say CONGRATULATIONS DEAN CAMERON. Yes it is a disaster for him after all that he has contributed to the world and for those sensible people who have bought one. This product is so good the company will be taken on by some other cashed up company.
you should go to whirlpool=forums=home=biolytix in liquidation , and see the trail of financial destruction left by Dean Cameron , affecting thousands of people trying to do the right thing and be sustainable. Never again.