Road gardens save lives

We’re saving lives with our road gardens.

Here’s why.

Air quality in Western Sydney has reached several important health thresholds for a pollutant (called, “Nox”) and particulate pollution, and population projections and lack of public transport options will result in more high pollution days.

Several NSW Government Reports have reported that high air pollution days are linked to respiratory failures resulting in an average of 550 deaths per annum. This is more than double the annual road toll[1].

More concerning is the NSW Department of Health view that complications arising from high air pollution days may be linked to an additional 600 – 1400 deaths per annum[2].

Roadside plantings have been demonstrated to reduce small particulate matter pollution and Nox levels by 5 – 10 %. If this holds for Western Sydney (no local trials to date), a significant roadside planting project on public lands could result in saving at least 30 – 60 lives per annum and up to 70 – 140 lives per annum.

Improved health outcomes for many more people (sub mortal health impacts) would be anticipated.

Further, if roadside plantings are well designed, there is a range of water quality and biodiversity outcomes; bee hives which increase plant and insect diversity, edible plants which supplement diets, on site composting which saves air pollution and takes pollution out of the air during the composting process, less stormwater pollution into to Sydney Harbour that kills marine life (we’ve taken over 4 million litres a year out so far . . . ), exercise for we gardeners (which is probably why we all have such terrific looking bodies and gleaming visages), helping people understand how real food looks on a plant or tree . . .


(I’m grateful to Kathy Ridge for most of this data and analysis; terrific work, Kathy, thanks.)

[1] Inquiry into the health impacts of air pollution in the Sydney Basin NSW Department of Health response to questions on Notice 11 September 2006, confirming results of Report in 2003 by the Bureau of Transport and Regional Economics

[2] Department of Environment and Conservation 2006 Report: Air Pollution Economics. Health costs of air pollution in the Greater Sydney Metropolitan Region, Table A.2.

One Response to “Road gardens save lives”
  1. greg says:

    excellant article michael and kathy..
    not to mention the calming effects and pyschological benefits that having greenery/nature/beauty around has on most (if not all) human beings.
    keep up the inspiring work..

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  • Michael Mobbs

    Michael is a former Environmental Lawyer who is uniquely placed to consult in four main areas:

    • Sustainability Coach and Speaker,
    • Sustainable Urban Farm Design greening, watering and cooling the cityscape, roads, parks, suburbs,
    • Major Projects Consultant Commercial and Industrial,
    • Residential Sustainability Consultant.
    For permission to re-print any articles or to book Michael for a speaking engagement go to Contacts. Please ensure all quotes from Michael's blog include a reference to