Hard to believe
See if you can put these two things together. First, have a look at the photo of the Pilliga Scrub. Pilliga Scrub It’s the largest continuous remnant of semi-arid woodland in temperate New South Wales and contains many threatened animal and plant species such as the Pilliga Mouse, Black-striped Wallaby and South-eastern Long-eared Bat. Now, take a look at this map of 500 wells, to be dug 500 metres apart across untouched thousands of hectares... Read More
Death of Duck n Swan
The Duck n Swan Hotel closes at the end of this May – this weekend. Many of us miss it already. Unpretentious. Good food. A place where we could talk. Quiet enough for conversation. Imagine that. All the staff will go. We’ll miss them, too. The new owners are apparently from the UK and, according to some who have met them, have some knowledge of the class system there. And so it goes, M Read More
Book talk at Shearers On Norton
Shearer’s On Norton talk The bookshop, Shearer’s On Norton, Leichhardt, is putting on a talk evening where I’ll talk about the new book, what worked and didn’t over the last 14 years; this is a story of the house where no sewage has left the site (how can you keep over 1.5 million litres of sewage on your house lot?), energy and water bills are less than $300 a year, and lots of mistake and lessons were made and learnt that... Read More
Greg builds a shed
Shed in bits + Greg Greg and shed, finished Greg built a shed this weekend. Provided by Sydney City Council through the good work of Russ Grayson there, it arrived at Pine Street Creative Centre on Friday. Starting on it after some lunch time tucker at the Duck n Swan on Saturday, young Greg downed tools after sunset when the torch held by his assistant failed to find the holes for the screws to go in. Today Greg finished the job and now it’s... Read More
Does my sewage system produce methane?
This question was put to me: ‘Mike, On recent tour of your house with Ryde TAFE college, you told me the septic tank did not give off methane because of the anarobic bacteria. You asked me to ask the question on your blogg. Being an old fart, I do not know how to use these wiz bang electronic garbbage, so in search of knowledge, I am contacting you directly. My knowledge on septic tanks is limited to the anarobic bacteria break down the liquids;... Read More