Advertising in Chippo

Ad industry welcome in Chippo Chippo’s streets are rich with artists’ work and the better for it; walking here is a delight to the eye, mind and all the senses, tho’ challenging to some sensibilities. And this effort on a wall in Cleveland Street by the advertising industry  shows it trying hard, too. Ads that work, M  Read More

Green Building Council office compost onto our road gardens

Geoff, Green Building Council compost and road verge Today Geoff and I picked up three bags of compost from the Elizabeth Street offices of the Green Building Council.  For info about the Council:….au   Two fellows, Toufik Refki and Jeff Oatman were waiting on the footpath with the compost in hessian sacks ready for loading into Geoff’s van.   Loaded up, Geoff and I went straight to the area most in need,... Read More

So much fun burning oil

Went to Warrnambool, Victoria, these last three days.   Warrnambool Council asked me to speak about sustainable living at their Sustainable Living Festival held on Saturday 14 January.   It was a lot of fun, seeing these places and meeting so many interesting folks.  Saw a great community garden at Warrnambool; info here:…     Friday morning I flew from Sydney to Avalon airport near Geelong,... Read More

Angel’s Trumpets bloom twice

Brugmansia - Angel's Trumpets flowers, Myrtle Street The trumpet-shaped Angel’s Trumpets plant in Myrtle Street, on the southern side, outside the units on the corner of City Road has bloomed for the second time this year. Beautiful, fragrant blossoms. The technical name is Brugmansia. The first lot were completely cut off by someone; another Urban Galah. Toot! M    Read More

Peace Park returns to being a park

Peace Park being a park after being locked up for nine months . . . Last Friday the fencing came down, the contractors mowed the grass and we got Peace Park back. Thanks to those who returned it to us, M  Read More

  • Michael Mobbs

    Michael is a former Environmental Lawyer who is uniquely placed to consult in four main areas:

    • Sustainability Coach and Speaker,
    • Sustainable Urban Farm Design greening, watering and cooling the cityscape, roads, parks, suburbs,
    • Major Projects Consultant Commercial and Industrial,
    • Residential Sustainability Consultant.
    For permission to re-print any articles or to book Michael for a speaking engagement go to Contacts. Please ensure all quotes from Michael's blog include a reference to