Two beautiful statues bring silence to the moment
These are to my eyes two of the most beautiful statues.
The stone one, The charioteer from Motya, Sicily, is probably of a slave or servant as the free or noble folk typically rode their chariots while naked; the sensuous human form evoked below the sculpted cloth is breathtaking for me.
The bronze – Dancing Satyr of Mazara del Vallo – is about 2400 years old and was made before the art of bronze-making was lost due to the obliteration of many skills as part of the razing of the Roman Empire. A fisherman brought it up in his nets, upright, and, instead of selling it for a fortune gave it to his village where it’s mostly held when it’s not on tour – it’s in the US at the moment.
Thanks to Jeni who sent me the photos and is showing these statues and others to a tour group she is leading in Sicily – see more about Jeni and Academy tours here.