Special tours Sydney’s Sustainable House – Saturday 19 September 2015
Tour Fact Sheet – Sydney’s Sustainable House and Chippendale Road Gardens
Special tours

Solar panels – for more photos of the house by Lottie visit her blog: http://aplaceaday.blogspot.com.au/2010/12/sustainable-house.html?showComment=1355121254803
House tours:
No bookings but places limited so you must email to confirm you will do the tour, please. NOTE: we start right on 1130 and finish right on 1230.
In one hour we: see and discuss the design and systems for: water, energy, recycled water, materials, mistakes, data, costs.
Let’s work on your project – if you’ld like to discuss your project on the tour and get design, product and costing suggestions then let us know by email in advance what your needs are and we’ll give you our best. If you’ld like to get your hands on the bits and pieces of the water, recycled water and other systems – email us in advance and we’ll work that into your tour.
Urban farm working tours:
Bookings essential: next Urban Farm Working Tour is DATE TO BE ADVISED. Start 1130 am – finish 100. $15 tour fee.
To book email: tours@sustainablehouse.com.au
In the garden I will work with you and together for an hour and a half we will:
- build a leaky drain – you’ll learn how to dig, install leaky drain
- learn how to prune a fruit tree – how to espalier to make it fit a smaller space
- learn how to manage compost bins – how to keep cockroaches away, how to get compost out and then to spread it without harming fruit trees
- learn how to make a garden self-nutrifying using a compost bin
- learn how to identify and harvest your own food – from ‘weeds’ that aren’t weeds to unusual edible native plants and to commonly used herbs such as rosemary, lemon grass and more
Working urban farm tours are $15 each and entitle you to $10 off the price of either or both my books, Sustainable House, or Sustainable Food.
Maximum of 15 people on this tour – we’ll be working with tools and our hands; email bookings essential, please.
Group bookings 10 or more people to maximum of 15 people are $10 each.
You can buy a book on the web if you wish, here:
Cameras welcome.
See you there, at the little house that could . . . and yours can, too . . .
OH: you may wish to see the Plan to make a suburb sustainable that I made for Sydney Council; visit here and see it and stay in touch as the Council goes through the steps to make the Plan a binding policy:
Signed copies
Other orders
Michael Mobbs’ Sustainable Neighbourhood Masterclass
If you want to learn how to transform your neighbourhood, Michael is holding a special masterclass at Sydney’s Sustainable House in Chippendale on – A DATE TO BE ADVISED – In the meantime, there are special tours of the house . . . see below . . .
Annabel – you’re very welcome to tour the house tomorrow – enjoy, Michael
If theres a spot, I would be delighted to join the tour. I will purchase two copies:
The first is a gift for my son’s teacher who is also the community committee coordinator at his independent junior school. We have a school kitchen garden up and running and David supplies the venerable worm juice.
The second is for the permaculturalist we are very fortunate to have as kitchen garden teacher at the school.
Alison, it would be terrific to see you and all your family, cameras welcome, thanks, Michael
Hi Michael,
I was wondering if there was still spots available for the tour on Saturday the 4th of August? It would be myself, my husband and if it’s no inconvenience our 17 month old daughter (although we may try and find a sitter)…and we’d like to buy a copy of the book too.
Maryanne, yes there’s space, and it would be great to see you, Michael
Hi Michael,
I hope there is space for 2 more on the tour on Saturday. My colleague from cisra went and reminded me to get organised to go.
Hey Michael
just found your site….wow,can’t wait to see your place. I’m hoping for the 21st July,but just in case i cant,do you have any dates available after that.
Looking forward to meeting you.
Hi Michael,
Looking forward to seeing the house again this Saturday – I’ll be bringing along a few friends too after enjoying my last visit so much!
Hi, Ace great to hear from you; next tour is two weeks later, Saturday 23 June; be terrific to hear about what you want to do to go sustainable, thank you for making contact, Michael
Please let me know if there’s any tour after June 9th. Would love to be attend this Sat, but I have other commitments already.
Hi Michael,
Very interested to see your house, it sounds wonderful. My boyfriend and I would love to join in on the tour on the 12th of May.
Hi Michael
My partner and I would like to join your tour on 12 May.
Hi Michael, count me in and my neighbour Zaria on the next tour. Looking forward to it. Senka :0)
I have not read your book but am interested in doing so and also in taking the tour of your home. What is the address?
Liz, great to hear from you and thanks to you and your Dad for your interest. It’s best if he comes on the Saturday tour but if that’s a problem email me from the web page and I’ll try to make a special tour for him but I may not be able to fit that in. Michael
Hi there, my dad is visiting from the UK and would really love to see your house, he’s a very keen green fingered eco warrior! Can you please advise of when it would be possible to visit you and your fantastic house in the next two weeks? Is it just Saturdays?
Many thanks in advance,
Hi Michael
Would like to attend tomorrows tour. Am I too late?
Thanks for getting in touch about the tour this Saturday.
All the details are on the webpage: Sustainablehouse.com.au – click the headline blog about the tours,
Hi Michael,
Real great efforts !
Yes,I am interested in the 1st October 2011 sustainability visit. I would appreciate if you could provide further details.
Best regards
Some years ago we bought your first book. We were very impressed and it sowed seeds for the future. Now, we are self-funded retirees in our 70s on a limited budget and we have sold our house. We wish to relocate and build a sustainable house to the best of our finances. We have lived on acreage for 30 years and do not want to go into suburbia. However, we do need to down-size house/land. We are looking into solar/gas/hydronics etc. It is all very daunting/exciting and expensive. But we are determined to do what we can. What advice can you offer to help us to achieve our aims within a our budget?
Daria, Yes, I do have copies left and can post them to you. I’ll email you with payment details, thanks, Michael
Would love to buy your book for my sister in law who turns 50 in a few weeks and is in the process of building a house in Beechworth Vic on a few acres.
She would love a copy of this book.. Do you have any copies left?
Nick, Great to hear from you. Thanks for making contact. The tour without the book is $15 each. I’ll email you separately about payment. I’ll be putting on more tours after the 2 April if that one doesn’t suit but not sure when just yet. Michael
Hi Michael,
My wife & i would love to visit your house. We are not residents of Chippendale, but have already bough a copy of your book, so how much will it be / when will we be able to visit?
Many thanks
Dave, thanks for your interest in the tour; I’ve replied by email with booking details; see you and your wife on Saturday 8 January 2011, Michael
Hi Michael
Heard about you from Annette via SydLETS.
Interested on the tour and the book with my wife.
Would be interested for 8th January 2011..
Looking forward to hearing from you
Kathy, yes, do come on the Dec 11th with your 7 year old who will be free; I do the tours and will try to find someone to sign for me so you get more from it; I’ll email you payment details, thanks, Michael
Typo meant to Say Dec 11, thanks
I’m Kathy living in Newcastle, with a couple of questions.
1 can I come on the Dec 10th visit?
2 Can I bring my 7 yr old if I can’t get a sitter?
3 if so how much for him?
4 will you be running the tour as I would love to meet you. I am nearly deaf.
Thankyou for your time
I have just discovered your book and I would love to see the house! Are there any places available on the 11 December?
I’m so impressed by your work and would love to get involved. I have recently been attempting to grow my own vegies – it would be awesome to learn more from people who are already there!
Thanks for you great work!
Emilie, Sure thing, thanks for enquiring; I’ll email you with payment details separately, Michael
Hi Michael,
I am interested to come for a visit on Saturday, November 27th at 11.00 AM. Is it possible?
Thanks for your reply. Emilie.
Marguerite, Yes, there’s room and I’ve emailed you with payment details; see you Saturday, and thanks for your interest, Michael
hello – is there a spot on 13/11 for a couple?
Milagritos, great to hear from you; I’ve replied to your email address with details and look forward to seeing the three of you this Saturday at 11 am, Michael
Hi Michael, would there be enough room for 3 people this Saturday (30th)? I’m about to undertake renovations and would love to visit your house.
Thanks, Milagritos
And I would love to show your kids the house; bring ‘em! M
Hi Michael
I would really love to bring my kids (9 & 11) to visit your house as they are learning about sustainable living and I thought seeing what you have done would be much more fun than me telling them. Any chance we can come to one of your event?
Kris, yes there are two places left; if it’s two and you only want one book the cost is $70, thanks for your interest, Michael
Hi Michael – any chance of spaces available on Sat 23rd? I’d be after two
Cheers, Kris.
That’s a lovely note; thank you for it. Keep going, Michael
Hi Michael
I am constantly on the hunt for any literature on sustainable buildings, as my husband and I are getting ready to retire to the country and build our own sustainable home. A task which appears to be rather daunting. I spend hours each week trying to find answers to all my questions. Today was a day of joyous discovery. I found this amazing book from the ABC shop. It was yours! Then whilst browsing the Shmeco site I came across an article on and link to your website. Would have loved to attend your tour this coming Saturday (23/10/10), but am sure you will have more in the future.
I feel I am eventually making progress to achieve our future goal.
Thank you
Hi Michael,
Do you have space for 2 more on 23rd?
Dan, great to have your enquiry; thanks. Yes, there are some places – I’ll email you details, Michael
Hi Michael,
Interested for 23 October. Pls can you advise if there are spaces left.
Many thanks
Dear Michael.
It is wonderful that you are opening Sydney’s Sustainable House, your home for public tours this month. We toured some 8 years ago. We travelled to Sydney specifically and left inspired to begin the sustainable transition.
We have found the interest in the guided tours of our home, Canberra’s Sustainable House to be extraordinary. All the very best and more power to you for putting in the extra effort to open your home to the public – and we know the sacrifices involved in doing so.
Best regards
Nick Mayo
Canberra’s Sustainable House
David, Great to hear from you and thanks for this; I’ll email you so please check your inbox, Michael
Hi, is there a couple’s price? we only want 1 book.
Django, Great to hear from you and thanks for this; I’ve emailed you so please check your inbox, Michael
Hi Michael,
I am interested in atttending the open house this saturday, as I was intending to buy the book for my brother who is about to build a house in Tasmania. Is there space left this coming saturday and where is the location?