Michael Mobbs | Sustainable Projects & Design
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Sustainable Projects
Expression of Interest

Please use this form if you are interested in a consulting service for a Major development project with a budget over $5 million dollars, or smaller residential and commercial projects where there is an agreed project brief with measurable performance goals for budget, level of sustainability and timing.

For other Design, Consultancy or policy services, including tours, go to Services.

Simply fill in the following form and send it to me directly on-line, or print it out and send it to me by fax or mail (see below for contact details).

Your Contact Details
(options marked with an * are required)

Organisation or Company name: *

Contact name: *

Contact email address: *

Mailing address
Telephone (please include area code)



Your Project's Details

Project Manager's name

Owner's name

Name of members of project team:

What is your project budget?

Please provide a brief description of your project:

Project location (if different from above)

Number of Houses:
Number of Subdivision Lots:
Number of Offices:

Number of Units:

Commercial Specifications:

Is site serviced with water or sewage (give details)

Is site serviced with electricity (give details)


Your Sustainable Requirements (please tick and comment)

Rainwater Collection

Recycled Water
__ __
to flush toilets
__ to water garden
__ __ to wash clothes

Solar Energy
__ __
to run lighting
__ __ to run all electricals

Healthy Energy Efficient Housing

What services do you require?
__ __ Plan Drafting
__ __ Council Approvals
__ __ Package Quotation
__ __ Sustainable Help!

How did you find out about my services?

Simply click the submit button to send this form directly or print it out and either fax or post it to the contact details below.

Thank you for your time. I look forward to working with you.

Michael Mobbs



Home | Services | Sustainable House | Buy the Book | FAQ | Links | Positions Vacant

email: info@sustainablehouse.com.au
tel: +61 2 9310 2930 fax: +61 2 9475 0613
street: 58 Myrtle St Chippendale NSW 2008 Australia

©2007 Michael Mobbs ABN 80 571 933 970
Last Modified 18 May 2007